Sword and shield is not my program idea (credit bells and bodybuilding). This version is closest to V2 of his insta page.
Warmup: rope flow, jump rope
- bodybuild (2x week) upper.
- lower singles (2-3x week).
- rest or calf days as needed.
Cool down:
Stretch adductors, hips
Mace endurance
Easy Carries
2-3 different variations. Cycle movements as needed.
Upper Press 50 in 5 ss Upper Pull 50 in 5
Bi, tri, shoulders 60 in 4
Lower singles
Hinge or squat. Goal is power not weight. We are trying to rebuild not get bigger. Stop when any yellow or red flag (tingle, tightness, pain) rears it's head. In terms of how many singles, set a timer and go to town (as many in 20-25min).
Change variation and weight daily
Carries typically suitcase carry marches. Focus on ab contraction.
- two handed swings for time.
- one handed swings for time.
- swings for strength. Pyramid up sets of 10-20. Back off sets.
- mace flow.
In the 'for time' swings, progress is measured by increasing rounds, decreasing rest, then increasing weight.