Wednesday, June 19, 2024

the generalist and systems, not goals

I'm not training for a specific goal. I have no much lose X pounds or lift Y weight, but I still want to improve my healthy size and strength. The most specific I will ever get is: I should be above average at most things I never train for. Meaning my body will never be the limitation on what I try. My skills on the other hand? You can exhibit athletic qualities without being an athlete. 

Without a specific goal in mind, training and diet work better within the realm of a system of approach. Said system differs from a program as there is no intended results or outputs - very similar to Dan Johns park bench versus bus bench type of programs (note: this being a firm park bench). Your system will look different than mine. 

System params
- 1x every 3 days.
- linear progression. Swap movements when progress stalls.
- multiple small meals.
Non lifting
- one meal a day.
- highlight odd objects - sandbags, kettlebell, maces, etc.

There are no parameters tied to specific reps, weight, movements, or sets. Effort and consistency trumps a plan. I will never win a competition with this system, nor do I intend to or care. I will on the other hand, make progress on all metrics I give a crap about without needing to get specific. That's good enough. And good enough is pretty good.

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