Thursday, August 24, 2023

ez strength: step loading weighted calisthenics

Weighted calisthenics is a great AM option for easy strength. This goes double considering the lions share of my actual training is conditioning with sandbags which contains absolutely 0 pressing.

The area where I'm going outside of easy strength is in the daily rep ranges. I start inside the params and end slightly out. The overall daily volume is still EXTREMELY small, and none of the sets build any type of fatigue. Recovery day to day has been a non issue.

Step Loading Easy Strength (3-5min daily) 
Calisthenics press 2-5x2-3
(Super set) Calisthenics pull 2-5x2-3
Rest 1min between super sets 

This works great regardless of whether you need regressed, bodyweight, or weighted versions of a movement.

Every day, add a rep to the daily load. Once you max out the 3's, add a set and regress to sets of 2 again. NEVER STRUGGLE.

Example (each row is a day)
Increase weight or progress variation

Weight increments should be the smallest possible increment (2.5-5lbs). The goal is to be gain strength as long as possible without changing movements or deloading.

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