Friday, August 18, 2023

sandbag based training program

Tldr if I could rebuild my gym, I would keep the rings, the sandbags, the sled, and a kettlebell. If I move I might leave the power rack behind.

This shit is money. All main movements are based around squatting, throwing, and carrying sandbags. Assistance is a mix of barbell, kettlebell, and calisthenics. There are four(4) mesocycles in a year long macrocycle. 

Each mesocycle is based around three(3) concepts:
  • A calisthenics movement or curl performed daily. 
  • Set sandbag weight(s). 2-4x a week.
  • Kettlebell or barbell assistance. 2-4x a week after sandbag training. The movement patterns should be the opposite of the daily movement.
At the end of every mesocycle:
  • Change your daily movement.
  • Increase sandbag weights.
The goal is to use each three(3) month mesocycle to own the crap out of a given sandbag weight. Your bags should feel like toys when you are done. Progression with sandbags can take the form of adding more reps/rounds, performing more rounds, adding more exercises to each round.

AM - Daily
10 sets of the daily movement: Dips, Pullups, Pushups, DB Curls. 1min rest between sets.

PM - 2-4x a week.
30min sandbag training. Combine different permutations of squats, carries, and throws. 
  • Counter daily movement 3x8. 1min rest between sets.
  • 1x BW reverse lunges to failure.
  • Stretch.
PM - non-lifting days.
Sled, KB Swings, Suitcase Carries. 

Sandbag Parking Lot
Squat: Bear hug squat (1 or 2 arm), shoulder squat, box squat, jump squat.
Carry: Bear hug (1 or 2 arm), overhead, shoulder.
Throw: Over shoulder, slam, push forward. 

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