Experiencing a minor setback with my right knee. For weeks it was feeling awesome. I overall felt like a fucking tank. And it was because I had a plan, and I was following the plan. But then I thought, maybe I can do better.
Bad. Idea.
What was the plan?
- easy strength, 2x5, stick with a weight and keep working on speed for a week.
- daily humane burpee.
- daily mace or kettlebell work when work time allows
What did I add?
- armor building. First via kettlebells then via barbells
- Cossack squats.
- Nordic curls till death.
- increase weight when possible. Ramp up to 5/3/2 days.
The top three things above were added in the last week. The fourth I've sprinkled in. More on the fourth later.
The new additions were sudden jolts into tissue health I didn't have in ranges of motion I havent touched. Adding one of these would have been ok. Kind of. Adding 3 was stupid. The Nordic curls in particular to failure is where I started feeling numbness again. This is my fault. I am error.
The fourth item isnt 'bad.' it's one of the actual programs after all. But if I'm doing this to feel good and not necessarily focus on the weight lifted, building a set progression ain't the best idea. Dan's original comment of increase weight when too easy is a great guidelin, vague as it is.
I will get back to where I was. I have to remember that 6 weeks ago I was in worse shape than I am now. Follow the fucking plan. You can't keep busting your head against a wall.