Friday, December 4, 2020

isometrics only workout

Ive never done this period. 

Isometrics are a little bit of a leap of faith due to the information on them. They work. They dont. Use short holds. Use holds of 30 to 60 seconds. Yielding isometrics! No....overcoming isometrics....

Cool guys. Cool.

Why am i even entertaining this as an idea? Couple reasons:
- i love when my goals line up with someone else's philosophy and results. Said person has a single $1 pdf he released with a 50 day program (he doesnt make his living off youtube or writing)
- i want to work out more often. This isnt possible with classic weighted calisthenics without comprimising strength and my sanity. I tend to get depressed when i train too much. Isometrics are short training sessions needing little recovery.
- this doesnt change my current 2 hard workouts per week.
- ive got little to lose. If this works for strength and size, i get a low cost accessory to training. If it doesnt, i lose 30min a week on something that is still great for prehab.

The schedule is said pdf is
Day1: isometrics, condition
Day2: strength (heavy), core
Day3: isometrics, condition
Day4: strength (explosive or volume), core
Day5: off

This plays rather well into my long term goals.
- strong goal: hit sub 12% bodyfat
- strong goal: 1 standing ab wheel rollout
- weak goal: forget what being tired is like

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