Saturday, December 7, 2019

something something i love one arm weighted carries

This last year has been a mixed bag of injuries and recoveries. The most recent boon I've explored have been one armed carries. I cannot recommend these enough. They're great for cardio, recovery, and correcting imbalances.

The two(2) I love right now are waiters walks and suitcase carries.

Waiters Walks
What is it: Walk with a kettlebell or dumbbell overhead
Why it's awesome:
- My shoulders feel bulletproof
- Great cardio
- Obliques get worked something fierce

Suitcase Carries
What is it: Walk with a kettlebell or dumbbell next to your body (i.e. a one handed farmers walk)
Why it's awesome:
- This is the best ab workout ever. My back feels bulletproof more so than any other type of recovery method I've used to rehab my back. This is a god damn game changer and I love it.
- Great cardio
- Can go heavier than waiters walks without jeopardizing safety

Benefits to Both
- Injury prevention
- Fat loss
- Grip and ab strength

How to Incorporate
- It's own training day: 20min of as much distance as possible. Go heavy.
- End of a regular training day: 5min of as much distance as possible. Use medium weights (just less than isolated training days).

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