Super weird. Month 1 dragged by (in a very positive way) but month 2 shot forth like a bat out of hell. High frequency training stopped being novel, now it's just kind of what I do. I go to bed early, I wake up early, I lift, I condition, I stretch, and u go to work. Once I'm home, I complete as many small tasks as possible before I don a sleep mask and ptfo. It has been a transformative 2 fucking months my freeeeends.
Thoughts on lifting
- daily lifting has different rules per lift
- some movements prefer higher reps over lower reps
- switching a topped out movement for a similar movement helps to build momentum without inducing staleness
- daily stretching and rear delt work is non negotiable
- conditioning can be added in (almost) every day to encourage health, fat loss, and make up for lack of volume. For reference, one of my favorite standbys was always 10x3 of power cleans. Not needed anymore
Thoughts on life
- the no fap community has some points when it comes to avoiding a constant stream of feel good drugs into your body. Without being dogmatic, the same approach can be applied to substances, social media, and food. That being said, complete abstinence from pleasure is not really that healthy either
- looking back and forward, I can identify goals as big changes and little changes
Little changes:
- one change
- can be made in isolation or in parallel with other little changes
I am not a person who posts negative news, thoughts, or feelings on social media
I do not drink soda
I do not watch pornography
Big changes:
- two or more little changes that work synergistically
- typically involve lifestyle changes
I go to sleep before 11, wake up at 630, and lift before work