Sunday, August 15, 2021

bodyweight leg curl (rings): underratted assistance movement

Digging up a gem from Ben Bruno to splurge a little bit. Back when i was on a steady diet of calisthenics + carries something weird happened. My legs and rear got bigger. Way bigger. All the while without me putting on fat.

The problem with having a routine with a ton of variety is you have no idea what was poison versus what worked. I didnt use weights. So what the fuck was it? Was it bulgarian split squat jumps? Was it farmers walks? Was it nordic hamstring curls?

Ive had a few months to try these things out in isolation. The verdict is bss jumps dont make my legs bigger, farmers walks are good for everything but tend to be a multipler stimulus for other movements (i.e. an rpg support class), and nordics dont do shit.

The other party member i had was an old friend - bodyweight leg curls suspended from rings (holding rings with my hands). They are supremely underrated and here is why:
- lower back friendly. Unlike RDL's (great movement, but erectors tend to be the weak link) your hamstrings and ass are the limiting factors.
- loadable: add a weighted vest. use one leg. Elevate your legs higher. Hold the top contraction longer.
- great 'feeler' movement. I get immediate feedback that this is making my backside bigger and stronger.
- mother fuckin hyyyypertrophy. There were many variables tied to my size increases, but they were most pronounced with high volume leg curls.