Friday, May 29, 2020

6 weeks | week 2

Cannot tell you how many fucking times i wanted to switch methods. Again. What stopped me wasnt something noble. What stopped me was wondering when the fuck id be able to do it. 

Im quite fond of the endless mini workouts with a few conditioning days mixed in. 

Today went great! 
Ring Pullup +10lbs x 11, same reps as last week + 10lbs
Ring dips x11, 5 more than last week
Goblet squat 1x30 42lbs
Accessory , 3 sets of amap
Sandbag curl
Sandbag press
Band shrugs 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

week 1 test | 2020-75 | ring stuff, condition

Took the day off yesterday to let some of the fatigue bleed off and glad i did.

Ring pullups 1x11,bw
Ring dips 1x7, bw
Kb weighted carry 20min
- suitcase
- rack
- waiters
Band shrugs
Ring curls

Both sets were super strict with pauses at the end of every rep. Im still not used to the range of motion on these so I'm not ready to add weight. The pullups, however, ill add weight for next week. 

I think it's better to keep with just dips and pullups until my progress slides a bit (instead of rotating in rows, pullup variations, or pike pushups). Went a bit ham on accessory cause why not.

Reminded myself how much i fuckin love one handed loaded carries. It's amazing conditioning and a great restorative for shoulders and back.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

6 weeks | Week 1

Fun fact. I've felt ragged since incorporating one lift a day. Whether that's because I'm not eating/sleeping enough or my training is driving me into the ground, I don't fuckin know. I'm tired of switching around.

6 weeks. Remember. RE_MEM_BER.
- Ring pullups, ring dips, ring rows, and pike presses
- all grease the groove, do not even flirt with failure

1-3x a week:
Quick and the dead or sandbag throws or loaded carries
Followed by band good mornings

Edit: this shit is harder than it should be. Every day i dream about what i wish i was doing and its bullshit. Stay the path. 6 weeks.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

maintenance | 2020-73 | volume target 52 pullups, also dips

Woke up annoyed. Want to sleep. Did my stuff.

52 pullups in 20ish min
only about 20 dips but concentrated on better form

Thursday, May 14, 2020

maintenance | 2020-72 | volume target 51 dips and pullups

Rings all around. Felt slightly harder than yesterday, but i match or exceeded reps per set every time in comparison.

Total volume
Ring pullups 58
Ring dips 53
Volume target: 51
Total time: 13min

Mentioned this yesterday too, but this feels really, really great. Wouldnt mind a 2 a day once my schedule nornalizes.
- day time pullups and dips
- afternoon explosive stuff (throws, jumps)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

maintenance | 2020-71 | ring dips and pullups

Time is tight this week due to an insane 1 week implementation. Not sure if lifting heavier is burning into my recovery but it sure as shit isn't helping.

This morning I reverted to an old Chad Waterbury standby.

Aggressive high frequency bodyweight only movements on rings.

59 ring pullups
51 ring dips

Broken into about 6 sets with 3min rest

I can't deny how good I feel right now. Not sure if that is positive feedback shining a light as if to say YES YES YES MAN this is the thing or if a lower intensity day was needed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-70 | strength and hypertrophy | ring rows

Absolutely didn't feel like doing pullups today. Did ring rows as singles clusters and that felt fine just fine.

Ring rows + 30lbs
10x1, 20s rest between clusters
3min rest
10x1, ditto
3min rest
5x1, ditto
3min rest
3min rest

Ring rows bw only

Monday, May 11, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-69 | strength and hypertrophy | handstand pushups

Time is short today and I've been feeling pretty worn out.

Switched from rest pause to its cousin clusters.

Handstand pushup x BW, dead stop each rep
15 single reps
10-30 seconds rest between reps

I would have added in some pretty significant rest if the reps slowed down, but everything looked solid.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-68 | strength and hypertrophy | ring pullups

Ring pullups
Set1: 30lbs 6,3,2
Set2: 10lbs 9,5,3,2,1
Set3: bw 11,7,4

Total volume: 53

Single arm ring curls 1xamap per arm (alternate arms)
Single arm ring rear delt (ditto)

Saturday, May 9, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-67 | sandbag throws

Sandbag didn't explode this time!

Spent 20min throwing the sandbag over my head. This worked way better than saying I'm going to do X reps per minute. More so went like:

  • throw the bag overhead
  • wait a little
  • do it again
Works great. Was fuckin hard. Looking forward to do it with more weight in the future.

Friday, May 8, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-66 | strength and hypertrophy | ring dips

Been a week since i started doing legit one lift a day. Definitely seeing a little less definition in my arms due to the decreased direct arm work, but most of what i saw were just aesthetic pumps. Strength is up across the board on all movements, so no complaints.

Interested in how sandbags are going to change the dynamic (assuming this one doesnt rip).

Shoulder mobility

Workout: ring dips
Set1: +30lbs 10,5,3
Set2: +10lbs 9,4,2
Set3: bw 11,6,2

Total volume: 50 reps
Total time: 15min

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-64 | strength and hypertrophy | close grip pullup


Tomorrow we will retry sandbag tosses with a new sandbag (i.e. some shit bag I bought and never used). Today I rehashed pulls again and you know what. I say fuck bodyweight rows. Fuck-em. They feel...ok? I like vertical pulls 100% better so vertical I will pull.

Shoulder mobility

Workout: Close grip pullup
Set1: BW+30 x5,3,2 (video)
Set2: BW+10 x7,5,4
Set3: BW x11,8,4

Total volume: 49
Total time: 15min

Really impressed with the last set. This variation felt great overall, but it helped a ton to switch over/under grips every set.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-63 | strength and hypertrophy | vertical presses

Man oh man did I want today to be a sandbag toss power day. And it was too, until the fire nation attacked (i.e. the sandbag exploded after rep 4). Called an audible and did presses instead.

Big 3 back prehab
1x30 per side weighted step up

HSPU Set1: 7,1,1
Pike PU Set2: 7,5,5
Pike PU Set3: 6,5,3

Total volume: 40 reps
Total time: ~15min?

Monday, May 4, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-62 | strength and hypertrophy | tuck lever rows

Interesting attempt at exercise. I have 0% of the motor pattern down for these, so these reps have less to do with a lack of strength and more so a lack of skill. I need to be able to do a row without a barbell, so my options are basically:

  • Ring rows
  • KB rows
  • Dis shit I'm doing now

I can give a billion reasons why I'm ignoring the first 2, but it comes down to they're not interesting right now. 

Rest pause sets
Set1: Bw+10lbs, 3,3,3
Set2: bw, 6,5,5
Set3: bw, 5,4,3
Total volume: 37 reps
Total time: 15min

Set1 filmed. Sideways for reasons.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-61 | power | kb swings

Couple of adjustments here that all proved beneficial.

- warmup included back prehab big 3
- swing stance is feet straight ahead instead of slightly pointed out
- each set starts 5s earlier by lightly picking the bell up and starting the swing 
- add some fuckin aggression. Make so.e noise

Big 3 back prehab

Kb swing 45lbs, 100 reps in 15min
5 reps / set, 1 set every 30 seconds
Rest 1.5min after every 4th set (every 20 reps)

Unfucked my sandbags by releasing about 50lbs into a duffle. Practiced a few things for future workouts.
- carries on shoulder 
- throws forward
- throws behind (like a keg toss)

All bore fruit. 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

one lift a day | 2020-60 | dips, actually one lift dingus

Doing more than one lift is not one lift 

the point of olad is to lift heavy, lift often, and remove junk volume. This is not what ive beem doing. Remember this.

Shoulder mobility

Workout, ring dips, rest pause
Bw+30 x 7, 4, 2
Bw+10 x9, 5, 3
Bw x10, 6, 4
Total reps: 44

Friday, May 1, 2020


Filming myself lifting these past few days was a great idea. Couple of notes:

1. I'm still too fucking fat.
Teetering constantly around the idea of fasting. Even enjoying fasting. But I keep edging back to 'well I just lifted so I should probably eat.' Bro. What gains are you trying to hold onto?

Later down the line once I can safety say I'm actually actually lean, it may make sense to ease back on the fasting gas. But for right now, it's time to use what I know works.

20 / 4 fasting window.

No idea why, but 16/8 is dogshit for me. The later I push my window in the day, the better and better I feel and look. Seeing as most of my training now is bodyweight based, strength losses will be mitigated by corresponding fat loss.

2. I'm doing too much shit.
I stated in a previous post that adding a few assistance movements to the 'one lift a day' isn't breaking the bank. I still believe that. But super setting every main lift with an arm movement is a waste of precious time.

There's nothing wrong with a little arm work at the end of training. Will need to see how lowering arm volume overall impacts my ability to level up with pullups and dips.

one lift a day | 2020-59 | ring pullups

Ring pullups BW+30lbs x 4
Ring pullups BWx25min

Top Set

Nothing to report here. Very average workout.