Wednesday, February 9, 2022

instant recovery : suitcase carry after pressing

Post dips, pressing, whatever, I want to make sure my shoulders are taken care of. Static stretching definitely helps, but I've found suitcase carries to be a more useful option.

I discovered this on accident a few years ago when my left shoulder was giving me issues. All of the tightness I felt immediately dropped away after a light set of cleans. Because I'm a dumbass, I didn't give this two thoughts other than thanking the gods for my sudden great fortune. Suitcase carries are an easier touch method of getting to the same a bonus, they add some basic GPP and promote back health (via building up obliques). 

5-10min post workout is plenty. Walk preset distances and switch hands, or just switch hands when your grip tires out. Weight doesn't matter as much as you would think, but 35+ pounds is a good minimum to start with. If harder conditioning/strength/hypertrophy is the goal instead of recovery, feel free to jack up the weight.