Wednesday, November 11, 2020

calisthenics | explosive legs | let's see some fucking intensity

I was a quarter into a deck of cards workout when I realized I was phoning it in. Ya, I got all of my reps. But every single rep was enduring instead of injecting speed and aggression into the mix. When I consciously made every rep a fight against death, two things happened:

  • I ran out of steam REAL fast.
  • I woke up out of a fog and felt like $1000000000 bucks.
This folks is quality over quantity. If you're doing something like me - running through a deck of cards for lower body, bodyweight only - then the only ways forward are to add weight, do the same reps in less time, or add some fucking intensity. I choose intensity. That bulgarian split squat jump? You should be trying to jump through the roof on every rep. That bodyweight squat? If you had the intention of leaving the ground you absolutely would. That deadlift or clean? Light up them glutes baby.

The literal only thing I've felt 'go' with age is feeling explosive. And like most things with aging, you can still have what you've always had. But now it isn't free. You have to work for it and practice it. If you practice to be slow, you'll be slow. Practice being fast. If you are only using your bodyweight, practice intensity.

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