Friday, January 21, 2022

advantages and disadvantages to high frequency

Reflections from the last few months. I've taken exactly 0 rest days for physical activity.

- anything 'counts.' physical activity doesn't always mean resistance training.
- hard training can happen less often. The systematic stress is pretty heavy, and It's rare I'm not sore. You can hit muscles with difficult training 2-3x a week and know you're still more than covered.
- smaller warning signs can be heeded immediately. If you need to cut a training session short, who gives a shit. You'll be back at it tomorrow. Nothing is lost.

- as previously mentioned, constant soreness is a given. Get used to it.
- a high emphasis needs to be placed on recovery. This isn't a bad thing (you should pay attents regardless of whether you're lifting daily), but not having your sleep and diet dialed in will be brutal.

Example schedule: this shifts as needed
Monday: AM full body, heavy. PM Neck
Tuesday: AM sled drags. PM leaded carries
Wednesday: AM kettlebell swings and cleans
Thursday: repeat Monday
Friday: repeat Tuesday
Saturday: heavy conditioning. Sandbag clean and presses, kegs, kettlebells, whatever.
Sunday: walk, sled, whatever.

Within all of these days, I try to get a few fast paced walks during the day or in the evening with my wife. The most obvious change I've noticed is my sleep and axiety has been superb. 

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