Saturday, October 22, 2022

sword and shield variation oct 2022

Ripped this right from bells and bodybuilding. I'm a big fan of a loose program that strives for size and conditioning. As the progenitor puts it - there are bodybuilders who cant move and kettlebellers who look like they don't lift. Why not zoidberg (six: do both).

This program doesn't have scheduled rest days, so intensity and volume have to be pretty heavily monitored and managed. Going too hard on one day could mean sandbagging the next week.

The basics (my variant)
Day1: upper bodybuilding
Press variation 50 reps in 5 sets
Super set
Suspension rows and curls (no goal, just get blood in the body, utilize assisted negatives)
Press variation sets of 8 with 10-30s rest (1/2 main working weight)
Curl 1x100
Neck manual and band resistance x 1 

Day2: AM restore, PM condition 20-60min
Restore - 10min of sled drags or suitcase carries
Condition - alternate movements and loads each session
Explosive hinge : one and two arm swings
Clean and press variations : vary load

Day3: AM restore, PM condition 20-60min
Restore (same as 2)
Condition - (same as 2)
Lower : squats, dead variations 

I've tried peppering in heavier body building and conditioning days (see: kegs, farmers). I kind of wish I hadn't. These days are definitely possible but they dig a hole you have to eat and sleep out of.

Upper body building days are used both for hypertrophy and for an overall 'rest' for the rest of the body. Specifically, using movements that give your lower back a rest and pose minor danger to your shoulders due to the higher rep ranges.

Overall impression
I don't think I've ever felt better on a program both in terms of how I feel mentally and how well move. It's too soon to evaluate this methodology for strength and size, but I expect time and effort to pack on the meat.

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