Saturday, September 7, 2024

look good versus feel good

I have to remind myself  of this fact daily: I feel amazing right now, but I also look objectively worse than 12 weeks ago. 

What changed?
12 weeks ago
- tired as fuck without copious caffeine.
- I trained full body 2 days a week. Everything to failure and beyond.
- goal was strength and size.
- off days were mace and stretch days. 
- Get some sun daily 
- I was damn near useless the day after lifting but soreness otherwise wasn't a thing.
- sex drive = not great

- energy levels are amazing. Drinking less caffeine then I have in years.
- I train daily. With few exceptions (see: the occasional set of arms) nothing is to failure 
- goal is endurance.
- there are no off days.
- get some sun daily.
- low grade soreness every day, but it doesn't actually do anything.
- sex drive = constant. Not 20s levels but it exists

I gotta tell ya, my brain keeps trying to edge me back into looks good territory but in fighting it hard. I love the way I feel right now, and I'm just a few weeks in to this style of training. More to come in the future, but I need a reminder in print for the next 30min when I wonder if a 5/3/1 bench has a place in my life (narrator: it doesn't).

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