Monday, March 21, 2011

Pirate and Ninja Porno

She's soft, thought Eric the Vicious, as he thrusts his leg stump in her ass. She is everything a violent marauder could ask for: disciplined, willing, and trained in the ancient and deadly ninjutsu art of skull fucking. As Coco slides her kunai knives one by one into Eric's pulsating socket, she senses he is close to orgasm. Kneeling before his plank, Coco summons clones to work Eric's wooden balls as she manages the shaft. Eric's body goes stiff, all 4 toes curling in ecstasy as he unleashes his dusty fury. Eric feels the gulp that swallows every sailor into a void. He looks down at his beloved, but she has already vanished. The stiff feeling he had mistaken for ecstasy turns to a wash of cold and pain. His head, thinly sliced by wire at the neckline, gracefully drops and sticks to the already blood drenched floor. All in all, a good night.

Very slow and awkward fade out.

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