Monday, September 24, 2012

Glute Ham Raises in a Commercial Gym

If you have had the opportunity to use a real glute ham raise bench, you might also know the abysmal difference when attempting the same movement in a commercial gym. A real glute ham raise bench will lock in your feet, easily transferring the power to your hamstrings and ass. In a commercial gym, you likely sit backwards on a rowing machine (using the knee holds to quasi lock in your ankles) and pump out 5-10 shitty reps.

I have been looking to increase the weight I use on this movement (as I do on all body weight exercises), but I have found the greatest leveling up I've done is increasing the time I spend in the eccentric (negative) motion. This leads to 5 awesome slow reps, then 5 rushed awkward flops. Because I've poured everything into stopping my downwards momentum -

This, by the way, is the largest difference between a fake and real glute ham bench. On a real bench, it is easy to reverse the motion with assistance from your hands. On a fake bench, you'd best catch yourself lest you want to avoid a face to nasty carpet incident.

- in the first few reps, my eccentric strength is gone for the remainder of the set. Increasing my reps/set over time has not fixed this issue. I propose instead to decrease my total reps/set, and make each movement strong as shit.

Quality over quantity. Get stronger.

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