Saturday, August 31, 2024

more musings on calisthenics circuits

30min daily calisthenics circuits are the tits.

- build basic calisthenics strength.
- build endurance.
- wakes you the fuck up in the morning.
- EASY to recover from.

That last one really surprised me as I've done daily calisthenics before. The big difference is 40min of only chinups versus 30min of chinups, dips, etc etc. Even if the volume is comparable, fatigue is managed in a way that doesn't bury you in a hole (I.e. you ain't hitting failure every set). Further, varying movements daily doesn't activate achy joints.

Friday, August 30, 2024

when it's cardio

As a newbie to calisthenics circuits, I find myself trying to figure out when to increase reps, change leverages, or otherwise introduce progressive overload.

The answer came this morning: when it's cardio.

It should have been obvious, but looking at the goal (endurance, hypertrophy) compared to my PM sandbag/mace lifting (strength) it makes sense. If you are taking rest periods because of a need for muscular recovery then your cardio is no longer the limiting factor. Conversely if I can burn through a 10down 5 movement circuit where my cardio is the only limiting factor, then it makes sense to do one of two things:
- increase reps. Even a new top set on downs rachets up volume (10 to 11 down represents a 20% increase in reps).
- change movement pattern/s. Calisthenics is uniquely suited for this via manipulating leverages. 

Leverage examples
A dip can become an l sit sit, a lean forward dip, an offset dip.
A Pullup can become a commando Pullup, a sternum Pullup, an l sit Pullup, an offset Pullup, an archer Pullup ect.

Which variation used doesn't really matter in the context of calisthenics circuits. We aren't trying to build specific strength or skills even if we get some as a side hustle. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

endurance: how I learned to toss the barbell

Starting out strong, there is nothing wrong with barbells. I've gotten a metric fuckton out of them for years and this is not goodbye.

Barbells, however, are not the ideal tool for the goal I set at the beginning of this year then proceeded to totally ignore. My goal were to get lean and build stupid endurance in the process. This is also related to the thought experiment I go through one a day - if I had to rebuild myself from the ground up how would I do it - if I had to be quiet while working out how would I do it - etc etc. also relevant is my nerves have been FRIED lifting to failure a few times a week. I am absolutely making steady progress week over week and physically I'm up for it, but I'd rather just feel good than look good. Weird that.

This has bubbled up into an approach to pilot. 


AM - calisthenics circuits
Skill press, skill pull, spine/abs, press, pull, legs
Juarez valley, straight sets, downs, clusters 
Put 30min on the clock and get as many clean circuits as possible
Start with 5s, add a rep a week. Decrease regressions after 5 weeks and rebuild.

PM - sandbags, maces, clubs, and kettlebells 
Light day: maces/clubs/stretching
Heavy day:
- explosive 
- lower 
- upper
- mace/club
Put 30min on the clock and GO.

Deload happen when they happen.
Fasting used as a tool.
You should not reach failure during any set! That's not the point.

AM work is for building an engine.
PM work is to build brute strength.

'skill' versions of calisthenics work means unstable variations (rings) or power variations (plyo, muscle up). 

Regular calisthenics work means stable. Stable can use more complex variations (ex: pseudo planche pushup, l sit dip) as well.

Friday, August 16, 2024

calisthenics for loop

For loop used to progress calisthenics variations.

Increase range of motion until not possible
Decrease regression
Increase skill

5/3/1 sandbags: another stab

Taking another crack at sandbag 5/3/1. I'm all IN baby. 

6 week cycles 
2 week mini cycles 
2-3/day a week lift 

2 week mini cycle
Floor press 5/3/1 ss Cali pull x 2
Sand high pull + squat ss Cali press x 2
Kb press ss kb chest support row x 2
Bi/tri/legs x 1
Bi/tri/legs x 1

Reverse oh press 5/3/1 ss Cali pull x 2
Sand shoulders + squat ss Cali press x 2
Kb z press ss kb pullover x 2
Bi/tri/legs x 1
Bi/tri/legs x 1

Reverse grip floor press 5/3/1 ss Cali pull x 2
Sand high pull + squat ss Cali press x 2
Kb press ss kb chest support row x 2
Bi/tri/legs x 1
Bi/tri/legs x 1

Reverse wide oh press 5/3/1 ss Cali pull x 2
Sand shoulders + squat ss Cali press x 2
Kb z press ss kb pullover x 2
Bi/tri/legs x 1
Bi/tri/legs x 1

Mace swings outdoors

implement affinity

I don't like kettlebells. I've got plenty of posts talking about kettlebells,.getting excited about kettlebells,.and using kettlebells. I follow a ton of people that illustrate amazing ways kettlebells can be used and how they worked for them. I genuinely think that bodies built by kettlebells look amazing. Built like tanks but not huge. Entire bodies that clearly are not a collection of parts. 

All of this, and I'm just not into them. It's not their fault. And maybe it's just not their time, but my affinity towards kettlebells isn't great and that's ok.

Conversely, barbells, maces, and sandbags? Fuck ya brother. I feel great when using them. Get excited about using them. And I like how I look when I use them.

The point? If a tool isn't serving you, you are under no obligation to use it. Being bad at something isn't the same as not serving you. Everyone is bad at something when they first try. I'm talking about passion and interest not performance. Much like reading 150pages into a book you can just put it down. There are other books in the world.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

mobility quality over quantity

Quality over quantity can be a blanket statement for most strength training, but it is especially important where mobility is concerned.

# reps per side and speed of movement is incredibly unimportant! The entire goal of mobility is to build strength in expanding ranges of motion.

Apply it!
- slow but smooth movement through ranges of motion
- fight for more range every rep
- do not fight through ranges of pain

Saturday, August 10, 2024

more thoughts on a 5/3/1 2 day variation

2 days/lifting
Goal is building strength in key lifts
Weights use periodization 
Push the volume on assistance to build size

2-3 days/conditioning 
Goal is building work capacity and mobility
Weight is not important 
Multiple implements (mace, kb, mobility) is better than a single option

2-3 days/mobility and small body parts
Mobility ideally mixed in with conditioning
Small body parts (neck, calves, forearms) can go HARD in the paint. These are all slow twitch and recover quickly 

weight is not the most important means of progressing

Lot of thoughts recently about this. At the end of the day, increasing the weight of whatever you are using as a means of progression absolutely matters. The callback is that increasing weight should not be your primary metric for progress unless your sport depends on it. Do you really think that an all out set of 20 of (fucking whatever) will not illicit a growth response or a strength response? You bet your ass it will and does. 

It is easier to build strength in higher rep ranges, so why not start there and slowly taper the weight up until you can't. And when you can't, either back off and ramp up or choose a similar movement to work on.

Your 5/3/1 top set with a goal of 3 ended up being a set of 12? GREAT! Don't change a thing. Try to get 12 again on the next cycle with a heavier weight. If you get 13, even better. If you get 10, also good.

Friday, August 9, 2024

is it science or marketing?

Beware the ads that use the word science or athelete to justify their existence.

'all natural athelete'
Athelete of what exactly?

'science breakthroughs discovered that'
How many studies are being conducted on getting jacked? Who are the subjects? What is the quality of this research?

Take it from someone who has spent untold thousands on supplements. They are overrated. Do not fall prey to marketing that is mascarading as science.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

mace swings and mobility: match made in heaven

One of the hardest things to manage is sets of mace swings. I'm sure there's a way to program them, but it isn't something I've gotten ahold of yet. In general, higher rep sets feel better. I actually feel my lats and shoulders loosening up on longer sets. My grip and abs likewise get the biggest boost if im fighting longer time under tension.

The problem is usually rest between sets. How do you ensure each set is high effort without doing lower intensity sets as 'feeders' or taking long breaks with your dick in your hands?

Answer: super set hip and knee mobility with sets of mace swings. Also on the menu is small body parts bodybuilding (calves, neck) but choose your journey. Instead of a rest period or a sub par future set, you get in some productive work you were going to try and skip anyways. 

Set a timer for 30min
Mace swings: goal 100 reps
Hip mobility / isometrics (both sides)
Mace swings: goal 100 reps
Neck curls front/back
Mace swings: goal 100 reps
Hip mobility / isometrics 
Mace swings: goal 100 reps
Neck curls sides
If time remaining, repeat

Isometrics and mobility prioritize quality over rep count
Small body parts done to failure

Thursday, August 1, 2024

piecing together a 2x/weekly 5/3/1 program

This a very upper body heavy program out of necessity. Typically the 'row' item below would be a squat, but that's not the times we live in. Choose your journey accordingly.

Build Your Deck
Hinge: pick 1
Row: pick 1
Press: pick 2 
Calisthenics press: pick 2 
Calisthenics pull: pick 2 
Biceps accessory: pick 2  
Triceps accessory: pick 2  
Shoulders accessory: pick 2 

Choose movements you can push relatively hard. If you are at constant risk of injury with even light poundage, you are better off choosing a movement (or range of motion) where this is not the case. Simultaneously work on fixing your shit via mobility so you are not land locked into your choice forever.

Stick with movements as long as possible. Start cycles lighter than you need to.

2x/week full body. You will cycle through all movements and rep ranges over a 2 week period.
   5/3/1 6 week cycle. Does not include a deload when cycles are completed due to low frequency.
   + means 50 rep goal in 4 sets.
   ++ means 1 all out set. Use rest pause, drop sets, whatever. Weight does not increase for 6 week cycles.

2-3x/week conditioning. 
For me, this involves swinging maces (again, all upper body). For you, this could mean kettlebells, bodyweight movement, long walks, whatever. The goal is to move well and get in shape.

2-3x/week mobility.
Mobility <> stretching. Think of this as expressing strength in increasing ranges of motion. There are a ton of tracks to choose here (even yoga is a good option) but don't get paralyzed by options. Choose something and do it often.

Think about kids - 20 somethings. They aren't worried about mobility. Why not? Because they're always fuckin moving in different ranges of motion. Ever look at someone with their knees on the ground and think dag yo that would be nice? Ya, mobility. 

Example program - 2 week cycle: This is literally what I'm doing.
Sumo Deadlift 5/3/1 super set Archer Pushup+
Reverse Grip Floor Press+ super set chinup+
Giant set++
- Cossack squat
- pelican curl
- tricep extension
- rear delt raise

Floor Press 5/3/1 super set Ring Pullup+
Sandbag high pull + super set Pseudo Planche Pushup+
Giant set++
- landmine hack squat
- one arm ring curl
- kettlebell pjr pullover
- plate raise 

Reverse Grip Floor Press 5/3/1 super set Bodyweight Row+
Sumo Deadlift+ super set Archer Pushup+
Giant set: asst 

TBar Row 5/3/1 super set Pseudo Planche Pushup+
Floor Press+ super set Ring Pullup+
Giant set: asst

5/3/1 Explanation
Week 1-2: 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%xas many as possible
Week 3-4: 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%xas many as possible
Week 5-6: 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%xas many as possible

If you've got the energy/powuh for it, follow the top set by a backup set of 'as many as possible' using the lightest weight for that day.

After each 6 week period increase the max working weight:
- Upper: 5lbs.
- Lower: 10lbs.