Thursday, August 1, 2024

piecing together a 2x/weekly 5/3/1 program

This a very upper body heavy program out of necessity. Typically the 'row' item below would be a squat, but that's not the times we live in. Choose your journey accordingly.

Build Your Deck
Hinge: pick 1
Row: pick 1
Press: pick 2 
Calisthenics press: pick 2 
Calisthenics pull: pick 2 
Biceps accessory: pick 2  
Triceps accessory: pick 2  
Shoulders accessory: pick 2 

Choose movements you can push relatively hard. If you are at constant risk of injury with even light poundage, you are better off choosing a movement (or range of motion) where this is not the case. Simultaneously work on fixing your shit via mobility so you are not land locked into your choice forever.

Stick with movements as long as possible. Start cycles lighter than you need to.

2x/week full body. You will cycle through all movements and rep ranges over a 2 week period.
   5/3/1 6 week cycle. Does not include a deload when cycles are completed due to low frequency.
   + means 50 rep goal in 4 sets.
   ++ means 1 all out set. Use rest pause, drop sets, whatever. Weight does not increase for 6 week cycles.

2-3x/week conditioning. 
For me, this involves swinging maces (again, all upper body). For you, this could mean kettlebells, bodyweight movement, long walks, whatever. The goal is to move well and get in shape.

2-3x/week mobility.
Mobility <> stretching. Think of this as expressing strength in increasing ranges of motion. There are a ton of tracks to choose here (even yoga is a good option) but don't get paralyzed by options. Choose something and do it often.

Think about kids - 20 somethings. They aren't worried about mobility. Why not? Because they're always fuckin moving in different ranges of motion. Ever look at someone with their knees on the ground and think dag yo that would be nice? Ya, mobility. 

Example program - 2 week cycle: This is literally what I'm doing.
Sumo Deadlift 5/3/1 super set Archer Pushup+
Reverse Grip Floor Press+ super set chinup+
Giant set++
- Cossack squat
- pelican curl
- tricep extension
- rear delt raise

Floor Press 5/3/1 super set Ring Pullup+
Sandbag high pull + super set Pseudo Planche Pushup+
Giant set++
- landmine hack squat
- one arm ring curl
- kettlebell pjr pullover
- plate raise 

Reverse Grip Floor Press 5/3/1 super set Bodyweight Row+
Sumo Deadlift+ super set Archer Pushup+
Giant set: asst 

TBar Row 5/3/1 super set Pseudo Planche Pushup+
Floor Press+ super set Ring Pullup+
Giant set: asst

5/3/1 Explanation
Week 1-2: 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%xas many as possible
Week 3-4: 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%xas many as possible
Week 5-6: 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%xas many as possible

If you've got the energy/powuh for it, follow the top set by a backup set of 'as many as possible' using the lightest weight for that day.

After each 6 week period increase the max working weight:
- Upper: 5lbs.
- Lower: 10lbs.

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