Friday, August 16, 2024

implement affinity

I don't like kettlebells. I've got plenty of posts talking about kettlebells,.getting excited about kettlebells,.and using kettlebells. I follow a ton of people that illustrate amazing ways kettlebells can be used and how they worked for them. I genuinely think that bodies built by kettlebells look amazing. Built like tanks but not huge. Entire bodies that clearly are not a collection of parts. 

All of this, and I'm just not into them. It's not their fault. And maybe it's just not their time, but my affinity towards kettlebells isn't great and that's ok.

Conversely, barbells, maces, and sandbags? Fuck ya brother. I feel great when using them. Get excited about using them. And I like how I look when I use them.

The point? If a tool isn't serving you, you are under no obligation to use it. Being bad at something isn't the same as not serving you. Everyone is bad at something when they first try. I'm talking about passion and interest not performance. Much like reading 150pages into a book you can just put it down. There are other books in the world.

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