Saturday, August 10, 2024

weight is not the most important means of progressing

Lot of thoughts recently about this. At the end of the day, increasing the weight of whatever you are using as a means of progression absolutely matters. The callback is that increasing weight should not be your primary metric for progress unless your sport depends on it. Do you really think that an all out set of 20 of (fucking whatever) will not illicit a growth response or a strength response? You bet your ass it will and does. 

It is easier to build strength in higher rep ranges, so why not start there and slowly taper the weight up until you can't. And when you can't, either back off and ramp up or choose a similar movement to work on.

Your 5/3/1 top set with a goal of 3 ended up being a set of 12? GREAT! Don't change a thing. Try to get 12 again on the next cycle with a heavier weight. If you get 13, even better. If you get 10, also good.

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