Saturday, April 18, 2020

One lift a day | 2020-49 | Main: Ring Pullups | Many thoughts on accessory movements

Came into this with extremely sore biceps from ring curls 2 days ago. This didn't impact my top set at all, but near the end of 30min of bodyweight pullups I was down to about 1 rep/set.

Arm super sets
I'm definitely sold on super setting the 'one lift' with some sort of antagonist arm movement on the rings (pullups+ tricep extensions, dips + curls). You may say well wait a damn minute now it's not one lift a day anymore. Ya no shit. This was never Dan John's program. This was a way to train+tan while in quarantine on a daily basis so I can emerge from this Corona hell a majestic golden middle eastern eagle.

I want arms and I don't want an arm day. As long as my strength sets aren't impacted, arms stay in the picture.

One arm ring curls/extensions
Part of the reason my biceps are still sore is I tried out one ring curls about halfway through my time. This + intermittent negatives is fucking $$$$. Attempted the same thing with ring tricep extensions today and was very pleased with the results. What originally feels too easy turns into a 2-4 rep set. When that gets too difficult, switching to the two-armed version feels like it has more merit because what essentially feels like pre-exhaustion.

Shoulder flyes 
THREE??? THREE EXERCISES? Ya bro. This one takes all of 1min at the end of each pullup/dip session. Switching over to dips from pike pushups was the right call, but I have no desire to stall out or injure my shoulders just because my tits are getting the spotlight.
Super easy. Ring flies until you start getting tired. Then ring flye negatives. Rear delts get smoked without eating into recovery.

Shoulder mobility

Ring pullups BW+15lbs 1x9 (level up bitchhhhh, easy set)
Ring pullups x29min as many as possible

Super set
Ring tricep extensions (one arm, then two arm when sets became 1 rep/set)

Closing thoughts
Working my biceps in isolation is definitely helping my pullup strength. My back isn't getting sore at all from this (yet) which is a stark comparison between my chest and biceps. Unsure if this is because my back is more conditioned than everything else, I also use my back for 'lower body' days, or if I'm not doing a good enough job pulling with my back. 

Day after pullups, lats are still not sore. Triceps, on the other hand, are burning. 

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