Tuesday, March 24, 2020

COVID-19 Experience

I can't sleep because lying on my back makes my shortness of breathe come out. So now I'm working  and watching let's play's of Half Life Alyx.

If anyone is looking for shit on this disease, here's my info.

No past history to be worried about except pnemonia in middle school (although this even has made me repeat every sketchy decision I've made for my lungs. Thanks brain).
I've been in isolation for weeks already since I work at home. I have no idea how I got this.
Right now my symptoms lie in the mild to moderate range. Kinda fucking scary but not ER scary.

Consistent across all days:
low to no sex drive (may be very specific to me on this one)
symptoms come and go with the wind

Felt...something? I didn't feel bad or anything, just a weird I'm gonna get sick feeling.

Last workout I've completed. Was feeling kinda weird going into this but a tank right after.
All week my usual grease the groove pullups/dips/rows felt off. The strength just wasn't there.

Actively not feeling great. No fever. Just not kicking ass at work and actively getting stressed/annoyed at people.

Mild headache. Super low energy but can't sleep. I'm basically horizontal all day. My back hurts and feels like it weights 1000lbs. It's making weird ass noises like I'm farting and I don't understand why. I attribute this to allergies and my back generally being an asshole.

101 fever hits at night. I'm a little disoriented. Freezing and hot at the same time. I start wearing a onesie with a hoodie inside.

Wake up feeling ok but a headache hits the moment I get out of bed. I'm also covered in a pool of my own sweat so that's cool. No appetite.

I spend the entire day horizontal. Low ass energy but otherwise I feel ok. By bedtime I feel actually really great.

Wake up in a pool of my own sweat again. I'm not enjoying how i feel but it's not bad either.

Then the shortness of breathe hits and it suucccckkkkksssssss. Like sucking air through a tunnel. I can breath but it's now a conscious effort. Sometimes there is a small tightness in my upper chest, sometimes not. This happens on and off a few times a day ranging from 5min - 10min (I didn't time this, and every time honestly felt like an eternity).

The second loss of wind got triggered when my girlfriend and I went for a slow walk outside. Literally 1min of walking and I had to ask her to stop and turn around.

I tried going to bed but I started sucking air again. So here we are.

Will update this thread as the days keep going. Stay safe people.

EDIT1: 3/24
Well not sleeping last night sucked but I actually feel pretty excellent right now. No symptoms except the same crazy sweats and a very slight chest tightness. Was able to get some sleep last night. Girlfriend worked from home today in case we needed to escalate.

Today has been a pretty good day all things considered (i.e. compared to the shitshow yesterday). Tightness in my chest and shortness of breath comes back if i move around quickly but goes away immediately if i chill. No fever. Slight pain in my neck. Mentally not 100% but that can be attribited to fucked up sleep as well.

Cant sleep lying down again. Breathing is miles better than yesterday but still not confortable. I made myself a makeshift bed on a chair.

Edit2: 3/25
Happy birthday to me!

I slept kinda! WEIRD DREAM. I was on a cliff face on top of violent rapids. People were on the face with me quickly traversing to the right as the water slapped ua and threatened to drag us under. I had a burlap bag with me that i used to pull in tiles from the wall (no idea why). I did not see anyone fall in but i overtook a lot of slower climbers on the way. The rapids were not like regular water. The nornal water was about a 2 in intensity with intermiddent waves that moved at 100mph that would slap the walls.

On the other side, i hung out for a few minutes and asked where the exit was. There was a brief conversation with an kld acquaintance on how was Pixar animation acceptable and anime not (comparison Up v Neon Genesis Evangelion). At the end of this conversation i was told there was no exit. You exit the way you came.

Back over the cliff face, except this time there was a fancy dinner party. Climbers had wine or were not particularly moving at all over the rapids. One person i knew from yesrs ago - scott - was flying solo and laughed when i passed him. 

Woke up with a sore throat. Still minor.

Edit 3/26
Slept much better. Feel pretty good overall. Still have a nasty wet cough but nothing hurts. 

The only thing that still sucks is lying down. Feels like there is a plug in my lungs.

Edit 3/27
Best day yet. I actually slept lying down last night! Im still havjng trouble with activity (lung capacity is fucked) and im coughing shit out of my lungs but physically and mentally im great.

Edit 3/28
Sleeping isnt an issue anymore. There are still random pockets where i get a little short of breathe, but they last 2min and are extremely minor compared to last Monday. Little yellow flags pop up periodically but then amount to nothing.

Edit 3/30
Feel more or less back to normal. Appetite is normal, sex drive is normal, sleep/breathing/energy is normal. Still taking workouts easier than I normally would but otherwise things are good.

Edit 4/7
Shit is weird dude. I'm still fine for the most part, but I get random light symptoms from time to time.
- shortness of breathe for ~5-10min
- sore throat
- sleep patterns are WEIRD (I'm up at 4 whether I like it or not)
- sex drive is 0

Edit 4/15
Rarely cough shit up anymore. Lung capacity is definitely not 100% but it's still better. Taking it easy on conditioning for the next week or so. Stopping any workout if i start to feel even the tiniest bit meh.

Good news on the lifting front is I can always get 1 hard set in. It doesn't really take a lot of conditioning for one calisthenics set of 5-10. Once I start ramping up the volume though, lungs be angry.

Each week kinda follows a cycle. I get a little worse near the beginning then gradually better near the end. But each time I get worse it's easier and easier to deal with. Eventually it will be gone.

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