Thursday, February 14, 2019

High Frequency Day 114 and back news

So bad news. I don't have 1 herniated disc, I have 3. This prognosis needed to happen, but my only reaction is rage. Rage at the chiro who charges me weekly to do a useless adjustment and who told me I should never squat heavy again. Fuck her.

I'm motivated as fuck to get better. My main quest is getting well and getting strong. This means a shift, but who fucking cares. I want and need cleans in my life. I need to feel like I move without pain. I need to be jacked and tan.

I'll start including my rehab work in my daily posts as well.

OHP 115x11
Acc: One arm pulldowns
Acc: Rear delt raises (chest supported, actually felt GREAT)

Rehab work (last night)
Walking lunges
Glute bridges
Banded good mornings and RDL's (little iffy on this)
Planks (likewise, iffy)

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