Friday, February 22, 2019

Lessons from dbz: brain vomit

I had an imaginary conversation in my head this morning and wanted to mind vomit.

The theme of dragon ball z (dbz) is breaking barriers. There is always a genetic component to your ceiling (see: humans v saiyans), but your ceiling is almost invariable:
- higher than you think
- higher than most who didnt work as hard

The 3rd most powerful human is still super human.

The takeaway i really wanted to talk about is the mental barriers that preclude all hero related powerups. Every, single, one. The saiyans had always been up to snuff power wise when it comes to ascending to a new transformation. The barrier has always been mental.

That being said, said saiyans still needed to train towards achieving the min requirements for a new level up. After leveling up, they spend their time tweaking and optimizing their new forms. This is in stark contrast to frieza; naturally the strongest fighter ever born, and overzealous for revenge the moment he achieves new power.

So how does this translate? The way i read this could apply very easily to depression. Every time ive been in a hole, the answer was invariably 'i chose to be better.' Try telling a depressed person to decide to be better. I dare you. I double dog dare you (pls dont do this, it sucks to hear and makes me want to punch a hole in your face). Although the trigger for beating depression is always mental, a multitude of different behaviors and actions are the catalyst. Its never, ever, just one thing.

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