Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wisconsin day 47: 11/14/18 fuck it, lower body it is

Had dinner with an old friend last night, and lifting injuries were high on the menu (as they usually are with this friendship, along with poop, pussy, lifting, finance, and dogs).

When i told him i would continue to eschew lower body work, he asked me what i was doing prior to hurting again, as well as what i chose to stretch my quads. When i brought up jefferson deads and (gasp) front squats, he asked me to try something different.

Given how complex quads are and how quad dominant we usually are, returning to lower body with a quad focus may not be the best idea. Also, stretching your quads is not a one angle dealeo; choose multiple stretches to actually relieve how tight they are. Mother fucking alphadestiny was right (he espouses a high focus on posterior chain strength and hypertrophy work compared to quad, something like 80/20).

Fast forward to today. I woke up with a knot in my lower back. Fuckme.jpeg. i absolutely planned on going back to dips, but that sounds...boring.

Rdl 225x8
--starting light. Noticed i felt the weight a lot less the heavier i got, but none of this was actually uncomfortable.
Ring pullups
Hspu > inc pu > pu > knee pushup
--got 16 hspu today! Thats a solid fucking PR
Neck harness x1x30 with 45lbs
--still easy. Cant wait until im repping 90lbs. This feels right to keep it to every lther day. Looking back at old pictures (even when i was at my biggest), my neck was always kind of thin compared to my traps and shoulders. I honestly never noticed. Guess thats another win for alphadestiny.
Glute bridge 2x20
Rear delt band holds x2min

I felt thw glute bridges way more post rdl. Love it.

Stretches were almost entirely quad focussed. I feel like a tank right now. Mega.

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