Friday, October 19, 2018

Current Supplementation: 2018

1. Tumeric with black pepper extract
Costco brand. Cheap and amazing. Get on this shit. Its a better pain reliever than any pain med in my cabinet. When i could barely move a month ago from a back injury, tumeric took me from bed ridden to break dancing. Im not joking, get on this now.

Black pepper extract increases the absorption of tumeric (usually poor) by 2000%. Do not get tumeric in isolation. Ot does nothing.

Another benefit ive noticed is considerably less brain fog during the day. As a dude who usually depends on caffeine and has experimented with various nootropics, tumeric blows them out of the water.

I take the recommended daily dose 2x a day. Once upon waking, once before bed.

$16 for a 30 day supply

2. Super enzymes
Find a brand that works for you and have at it. Ive noticed considerably less bloating and intestinal distress when incorporating this supplement.

I take 1 to 2 pills upon waking and before bed.

$24 for a 60 to 90 day supply

3. Creatine monohydrate
Super cheap. You will notice a difference in muscle size, power output, and number of reps you can perform. Nonessential, but there isnt really a reason why you shouldnt take this.

Take 5 grams 6x a day for a week, then 5g a day every day after

$24 for a 6 month supply. For real yo.

4. NAC sustain
This one is a little weird. I dont feeeel my body directly improving from this guy. The behind the curtains action is your body is instructed to manufacture more glutothione, a master antioxidant. Ridiculously good for your health.

The only time i can feel this working is before a night of drinking. Pop 2 NAC before you go out, and any hangover you may have had is reduced from oh god oh god just kill me to im kind of sleepy still. Everything has a limit though. Drink too much, and this wont do shit.

Take 1 pill a day, unless you are going out to drink. In which case 2 to 3 will do.

$24 for a 3 month supply

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