Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wisconsin method day 24: 10/17/18

What is going on at my gym??? The number of hot people (men and women) has exploded. Are they ringers? Is this the normal 7a crowd, and im just now seeing the hotness?

Unfortunately, the rise of hot people has been met with a proportional increase of dude bro's deadlifting in the squat rack. Why do you do this? You arent doing a rack pull, and you don't need the safety the rack provides. Youve just requisitioned two vital resources in a small gym. I will eat your fucking children Chad (or Hunter, or Kyyyyyle, or Tucker). Not kill. Eat. I will go full on demon king picollo, spin a wheel on your childs birthday, and eat whatever organ the wheel lands on. And dont you worry, i will continue to make bank JUST so i can afford the worlds finest healthcare. Surgeons will follow your son like Crocodile followed Mike Tyson. Waiting, waiting, fixing, waiting. Dont. Deadlift. In. The. Rack. Rack pulls are ok though.

Sex drive: nothin man. Again, not worried, just annoyed. Its not like boners have quit their job, im just not interested in chasing anyone. Its weird to be surrounded by the poon hounds that are my friends sometimes. It sounds exhausting.
Mood/confidence: good, although getting up and moving is notably harder than last week. Reliance back on keto during the day helps, but i really need to add veges back in as a staple instead of a side

Chin bw+90x3
--mas difficult today. May back off tomorrow for a rep PR
Dip bw+120x1
--so the top set itself was easy and smooth, but getting there was haaaarrdddd. I think the rep PR kinda burned me out yesterday without destroying my ceiling. The biggest bifferemce i found is that i do NOT feel like tricep and bicep accessory post main lifts if the day before was reps instead of a single

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